Day 1 - Oaxaca City
Arrival day and settling into hotel in Oaxaca city.
Depending of the time available, we can go for a walk to get familiar with the city and do a little bit of birding in El Llano Park in the afternoon.
Target species: Dusky Hummingbird, Rufous-backed Robin, Cassin´s Kingbird, White-throated Towhee.
Night: Oaxaca City
Día 2 –– Monte Alban
Birdwatching in Monte Alban archaeological site and ecological path.
Late afternoon in Oaxaca city – optional walking tour.
Target species: Slaty & Golden Vireo, Rock & Canyon Wren, Ocellated Thrasher, Pileated Flycatcher.
Night: Oaxaca City
Día 3 - Teotitlán del Valle
Birdwatching in Teotitlán del Valle, stop at the local market and carpet making workshop.
Depending on time, quick visit of Dainzu (slaty vireo) and/or Yagul archaeological sites.
Drive up to La Cumbre Ixtepeji.
Target species: Bridled Sparrow, Oaxaca Sparrow - Aquatic species such as Green Heron, Sora, maybe Osprey.
Night: Ixtepeji
Día 4 - Ixtepeji
Birdwatching in La Cumbre Ixtepeji.
Drive to Sierra de Miahuatlan
Target species: Dwarf Jay, Steller´s Jay, Gray-barred Wren, Fulvous Owl, Northern (mountain) pygmy Owl, Chesnut-sided Shrike-Vireo, White-eared & Magnificent Hummingbird, Red Warbler, Golden-browed Warbler, Olive Warbler, Mountain Trogon, Russet Nightingale Thrush, Strong-billed Woodcreeper.
Night: San Jose Del Pacifico
Día 5– San José del Pacifico
Birdwatching in San José del Pacifico and other areas of interest in the Sierra Sur.
Drive to Pluma Hidalgo.
Target Species: Long-tailed Wood-partridge, White-eared Hummingbird, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Bumblebee Hummingbird, Aztec Thrush, Russet Nightingale Thrush, Olive Warbler, Collared Towhee, Rufous-capped Brush-Finch, Red-faced Warbler, Red Warbler, Crescent-chested Warbler, Hooded Yellowthroat and White-throated Jay, Blue-capped Hummingbird.
Night: Pluma Hidalgo
Día 6 - Pluma Hidalgo
Birdwatching in Pluma Hidalgo
Drive to Huatulco
Target Species: Red-breasted Chat, Orange-breasted Bunting, Citreoline Trogon, Russet-crowned Motmot, White-throated Magpie-Jay, and Broad-billed (Doubleday’s) Hummingbird, Blue-capped (Oaxaca) Hummingbird. Also Happy Wren, Rufous-naped Wren, Colima Pygmy-Owl, Golden-cheeked Woodpecker, White-fronted Parrot, Emerald Toucanet, Mottled Owl, Northern Bobwhite, Crested Guan, Plain-capped Starthroat, Masked Tityra.
Night: Huatulco
Día 7 - Huatulco
Birdwatching in Huatulco
Drive back to San Jose del Pacífico
Target Species: Double day´s Hummingbird, Citroline Trogon, Russet Crowned Motmot, Golden Cheeked Woodpecker, & Red Breasted Chat, Flammulated Flycatcher, Spot-breasted Oriole, Streak-backed Oriole Rufous-backed Thrush, Blue Bunting, Yellow-winged Cacique, West Mexican Chachalaca, Pacific Screech-Owl, and “Long-crested” Northern Cardinal.
Night: San Jose del Pacífico
Día 8– San José del Pacifico
Birdwatching in San José del Pacifico and other areas of interest in the Sierra Sur.
Drive to Oaxaca City
Target Species: Second chance for anything we missed.
Night: Oaxaca city